Vehicle and Product Launches

Launch events are excellent ways of showcasing your latest vehicles and products and thereby build hype around its launch, and you would be able to acquire some sales right too at the event itself.

The more people you are able to get talking about your product, at the event as well as via social media channels, the better it is going to be for your business.

The BigDay can be your biggest ally in helping you organizing and managing a successful launch event. Here’s how we can help:

Choosing a Venue

You, obviously, want the emphasis of the event to be on your new product and not on the venue. Nevertheless, a great venue for your event will only help with attendee experience and marketing.

If it is possible, you should try and associate your product with your chosen venue. For example, if you are releasing a new car, then you may choose a venue that is often used for car expos.

Choosing a Relevant Theme for the Event

It is obvious that the theme needs to be related to your product, or atleast to your industry. This launch event will be your opportunity to put your new product on display and provide your attended with hands-on, real playtime with your product. It will help them become more excited about your product and thereby become a first-hand advocate for your product.

For instance, if you are releasing a new software for digital marketing, then online marketing can be your chosen theme. The launch event could include various activities like social media marketing lecture, SEO workshops, etc.

Planning Engaging Entertainment

The launch event of your new product needs to be informative, most importantly. However, you need to incorporate an element of entertainment too, in order to make the event more memorable and fun. You will have several choices to add entertainment to your event.

You can take advantage of the venue’s amenities such as dance floor, stage, etc. You can also hire stand-up comedians who could incorporate your new product or your industry in one way or the other it their acts. You may also choose to involve and engage your attendees with a contest, all the while promoting your brand or product.